Media @ McCall's Chapel
“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens!”
–Psalm 150: 1–
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Blessed Are You!

The Christian Purpose of Life

Sunday Service

McCalls Chapel 9 15 24 Complete Church Service Pastor James Howes

McCalls Chapel 9 15 24 Sermon "Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me" Pastor James Howes - Mark 8:27-38

The Little Children Come First

McCalls Chapel 9 1 24 Complete Church Service Pastor James Howes

McCalls Chapel 9 1 24 Sermon "Hypocrisy" Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Pastor James Howes

McCalls Chapel 8 25 24 Complete Church Service "The Gospel Armor" Ephesians 6:10-20

McCalls Chapel 8 25 24 Sermon "The Gospel Armor" Ephesians 6:10-20 Pastor James Howes

McCalls Chapel 7 7 24 Complete Church Service Pastor James Howes

McCalls Chapel 7 7 24 Sermon "Gods Grace Is Sufficient" Pastor James Howes

McCalls Chapel 6 30 24 Complete Church Service Pastor James Howes

McCalls Chapel 6 30 24 Sermon "Hope" Pastor James Howes Mark 5:21-43

McCalls Chapel 6 16 24 2 Complete Church Service Pastor James Howes